Sunfloewr7's Score Card

Below are Sunfloewr7's lifetime solving statistics, broken down by puzzle size and number of stars.

Played: 3
Solved: 3
Success Rate: 100%
Average Time: 76.3 s.
Played: 1
Solved: 1
Success Rate: 100%
Average Time: 150 s.
Played: 2
Solved: 2
Success Rate: 100%
Average Time: 466 s.
Played: 3
Solved: 3
Success Rate: 100%
Average Time: 615 s.
Played: 1315
Solved: 1272
Success Rate: 96.7%
Average Time: 2207 s.
Played: 1324
Solved: 1281
Success Rate: 96.8%
Average Time: 2194 s.

Sunfloewr7's Trophy Room

13th place
March 2023
234316 pts.

4th place
February 2023
278299 pts.

* Monthly competitions began in October 2022.

Sunfloewr7's Statistics

Lifetime Statistics
 Member Since:  January 27, 2023
 Total Points:  528152 points
 Total Played:  1324 puzzles
 Total Solved:  1281 puzzles
 Success Rate:  96.8%
 Average Score:  412.3 points
September 2024 Statistics
No data available for this month.
August 2024 Statistics
No data available for last month.
August's Winners